Teltrac Communications Ltd is a gold member of site safe New Zealand and actively promotes health and safety within the workplace. We are committed to enabling that all work activities are carried out safely. We will take all measures practicable to eliminate, Isolate or minimise risks to the health, safety and welfare of workers, contractors, visitors and anyone else who may be affected by our operations. Our Quotation, Estimate therefore takes into account the methods, equipment and plant required to complete this job whilst ensuring we comply with the Health and Safety in Employment Act 2015, applicable guidelines provided by WorkSafe, codes of best practice and New Zealand Standards as far as practicable.
Based on our initial review of your tender documents, the method/s equipment and plant we will use on this job includes.
Safety Shoes or Boots.
Hi-Vis Vest.
Hard Hat.
Safety Glasses.
Platform or Podium Ladders to be used on site in accordance with Work Safe Guidelines.
• The use of Elevated Work Platforms (EWP’s) or other height equipment has not been allowed for on this response
Scissor Lift will be used on site for some components of work. This machinery will be operated by a competent and certified person as per the Worksafe Guidelines.
If Health and Safety requirements of your company and conditions of tendering for this project “Work Platforms” have been included for use in the Tender Price in lieu of Stepladders and will be used as per the WorkSafe Guidelines.
If our standard work practices, equipment or plant need to be modified over the course of the contract to meet unforeseeable health and safety requirements , changes in the environment of the job or additional specifications from WorkSafe, the extra costs (if any) associated with implementing the modifications will be passed on to you, the principle contractor.